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Global Oceanic Precipitation from the Microwave Sounding Unit

| DOI: 10.5065/T318-HD03

This historical dataset is recommended for ancillary use only and not as a primary research dataset. It has likely been superseded by a newer, improved dataset.


This dataset contains daily and monthly oceanic precipitation analyses on a 2.5-degree global grid. The data were constructed from the Microwave Sounding Units of seven TIROS-N series satellites, as described in Spencer (1993, J. Climate). Data are available for the period between January 1979 and May 1994.

The daily data are considered to be not as reliable as the monthly data. Before using the daily data, it is highly recommended that you read the documentation associated with it.

Temporal Range:
1979-01 to 1994-05
Precipitation Amount
Vertical Levels:
Ground or water surface
Data Types:
Data Contributors:
Global Hydrology and Climate Center, Marshall Space Flight Center, NASA
Spencer, R. W., 1993: Global Oceanic Precipitation from the MSU during 1979—91 and Comparisons to Other Climatologies. J. Climate, 6, 1301-1326 (DOI: 10.1175/1520-0442(1993)006<1301:GOPFTM>2.0.CO;2).
Total Volume:
259.75 MB (Entire dataset) Volume details by dataset product
Data Formats:
ASCII (see dataset documentation)
Metadata Record:
Data License:
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