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AWS TD13 Global Surface Observations, daily 1901-1973

| DOI: 10.5065/DB4P-GC05

Global synoptic surface observations from the Air Weather Service for 1901-1973, called "Tape Deck 13" because it is the combination of multiple card decks (datasets), conversion to a standard format and transfer to tape. There are usually 1 to 4 records per station each day.

Wind direction, wind speed, and station elevation are "standard" variables usually available in each deck; the rest of the variables are "supplemental fields" which are not in some decks (groups of stations). Sea level pressure "standard" format excludes the high order digits, retaining only tens, units and tenths of millibars; however, some decks provide the hundreds/thousands digit in the "supplemental fields".

Temporal Range:
1901-01-01 to 1973-09-30
Air Temperature Cloud Base Height Cloud Frequency Cloud Types
Dew Point Temperature Humidity Maximum/Minimum Temperature Precipitation Amount
Sea Level Pressure Sea Surface Temperature Snow Snow Depth
Soil Temperature Station Height Surface Pressure Surface Winds
Swells Visibility Wave Speed/Direction
Data Contributors:
National Climatic Data Center, NESDIS, NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce
Total Volume:
36.81 GB (Entire dataset) Volume details by dataset product
Data Formats:
Related RDA Datasets:
NCDC TD9685 Global Surface Observations (from USAF DATSAV), hourly 1967-1980
U.S.A.F. DATSAV Surface Observations, 1973-1981
U.S.A.F. DATSAV3 Surface Observations, 1901-continuing
NCDC TD3505 Integrated Surface Hourly Data
Metadata Record:
Data License:
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