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French EOLE Southern Hemisphere Balloon Observations


EOLE Balloon Experiment over the Southern Hemisphere, involving constant-level balloons drifting near 200 millibars. The French made a motion picture of balloon tracks.

Temporal Range:
1971-08 to 1972-12
Atmospheric Pressure Measurements Flight Level Winds Upper Air Temperature
Temporal Frequencies:
various times per week
Data Types:
Platform Observation
Data Contributors:
Goddard Institute for Space Studies, Earth Sciences Division, Science and Exploration Directorate, Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA
Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales, France
Hertzog, A., C. Basdevant, and F. Vial, 2006: An Assessment of ECMWF and NCEP-NCAR Reanalyses in the Southern Hemisphere End of the Presatellite Era: Results from the EOLE Experiment (1971-1972). Monthly Weather Review, 134(11), 3367-3383.
Morel, P., and W. Bandeen, 1973: The EOLE Experiment: Early Results and Objectives. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 54, 298-306.
Morel, P., 1966: Definition scientifique du projet de Satellite FR-2 (Projet EOLE). 101, Service d'Aeronomie, 46 pp.
Total Volume:
16.1 MB
Data Formats:
ASCII (see dataset documentation), Binary (see dataset documentation)
Metadata Record:
Data License:
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