GEWEX NASA Water Vapor Project (NVAP)
| DOI: 10.5065/FK6N-3166

A five year (1988-1992) total and layered global water vapor data set on 1 degree by 1 degree grids. This set is derived from radiosonde observations, TOVS and SSMI data. Precipitable water content (PWC), layered PWC and cloud liquid water path (LWP) are the main products with supplemental products of each data source. The cloud LWP is over global oceans only. Daily, monthly, yearly and 5-day averaged grids are available.
Temporal Range:
1988-01-01 00:00 +0000 to 1992-12-31 23:00 +0000
Cloud Liquid Water/Ice | Liquid Water Equivalent | Total Precipitable Water |
Data Types:
Data Contributors:
Langley Research Center Distributed Active Archive Center, Science Directorate, Langley Research Center, NASA
STC-METSAT, Science and Technology Corporation
Total Volume:
3.13 GB
Data Formats:
Binary (see dataset documentation)
Metadata Record:

Data License:

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