Near real-time monthly mean Japanese Reanalysis for Three Quarters of a Century (JRA-3Q)
| DOI: 10.5065/CW01-2282
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JRA-3Q near real-time monthly mean isentropic analysis fields (anl_isentrop) [GRIB2]
JRA-3Q near real-time monthly mean land surface analysis fields (anl_land) [GRIB2]
JRA-3Q near real-time monthly mean model level analysis fields (anl_mdl) [GRIB2]
JRA-3Q near real-time monthly mean isobaric analysis fields (anl_p) [GRIB2]
JRA-3Q near real-time monthly mean surface analysis fields (anl_surf) [GRIB2]
JRA-3Q near real-time monthly mean ocean surface boundary conditions (bnd_ocean) [GRIB2]
JRA-3Q near real-time monthly mean land surface forecast fields (fcst_land) [GRIB2]
JRA-3Q near real-time monthly mean model level forecast fields (fcst_mdl) [GRIB2]
JRA-3Q near real-time monthly mean isobaric forecast fields (fcst_p) [GRIB2]
JRA-3Q near real-time monthly mean two-dimensional average diagnostic fields (fcst_phy2m) [GRIB2]
JRA-3Q near real-time monthly mean model level average diagnostic fields (fcst_phy3m) [GRIB2]
JRA-3Q near real-time monthly mean land surface average diagnostic fields (fcst_phyland) [GRIB2]
JRA-3Q near real-time monthly mean two-dimensional instantaneous diagnostic fields (fcst_surf) [GRIB2]
JRA-3Q near real-time monthly mean land surface information (tl479_land) [GRIB2]
JRA-3Q near real-time monthly mean surface geopotential (tl479_surf) [GRIB2]
JRA-3Q near real-time monthly mean isentropic analysis fields (anl_isentrop125) [GRIB2]
JRA-3Q near real-time monthly mean land surface analysis fields (anl_land125) [GRIB2]
JRA-3Q near real-time monthly mean isobaric analysis fields (anl_p125) [GRIB2]
JRA-3Q near real-time monthly mean surface analysis fields (anl_surf125) [GRIB2]
JRA-3Q near real-time monthly mean ocean surface boundary conditions (bnd_ocean125) [GRIB2]
JRA-3Q near real-time monthly mean land surface forecast fields (fcst_land125) [GRIB2]
JRA-3Q near real-time monthly mean isobaric forecast fields (fcst_p125) [GRIB2]
JRA-3Q near real-time monthly mean two-dimensional average diagnostic fields (fcst_phy2m125) [GRIB2]
JRA-3Q near real-time monthly mean land surface average diagnostic fields (fcst_phyland125) [GRIB2]
JRA-3Q near real-time monthly mean isobaric average diagnostic fields (fcst_phyp125) [GRIB2]
JRA-3Q near real-time monthly mean two-dimensional instantaneous diagnostic fields (fcst_surf125) [GRIB2]
JRA-3Q near real-time monthly mean land surface information (ll125_land) [GRIB2]
JRA-3Q near real-time monthly mean surface geopotential (ll125_surf) [GRIB2]
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