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NCAR Nested Regional Climate Model (NRCM)

| DOI: 10.5065/D6Z899DW

This historical dataset is recommended for ancillary use only and not as a primary research dataset. It has likely been superseded by a newer, improved dataset.


This dataset contains climate model output data from the NCAR Nested Regional Climate Model (NRCM). The NRCM combines the strengths of the NCAR Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model and the NCAR Community Climate System Model (CCSM) into an instrument that will allow for fundamental progress on the understanding and prediction of regional climate variability and change. In particular, embedding WRF within CCSM will allow scientists to resolve processes that occur at the regional scale, as well as the influence of those processes on the large-scale climate, thereby improving the fidelity of climate change simulations and their utility for local and regional planning.

The output fields in this dataset consist of two- and three-dimensional arrays at three- and six-hourly intervals. A basic set of three-dimensional parameters is provided on model pressure levels: relative humidity, temperature, wind components, geopotential height, and potential vorticity. Additional two-dimensional parameters are provided at the model surface or near-surface level, and potential vorticity arrays are also provided on the 320 K and 345 K isentropic surfaces.

Data are available as monthly time series files in NetCDF. The data currently provided are from the climate runs with regional model domain extending over the eastern North Pacific Ocean, North Atlantic Ocean, North and Central America, northern South America, Continental Europe, and North Africa. The simulation covers the periods 1995-2005, 2020-2030, and 2045-2055.

Temporal Range:
1995-01-01 00:00 +0000 to 2055-12-31 21:00 +0000 (Entire dataset) Period details by dataset product
Air Temperature Geopotential Height Humidity Longwave Radiation
Outgoing Longwave Radiation Precipitation Amount Runoff Sea Level Pressure
Shortwave Radiation Skin Temperature Snow Snow Depth
Snow Water Equivalent Soil Moisture/Water Content Surface Pressure Surface Winds
Total Precipitable Water Upper Air Temperature Upper Level Winds
Vertical Levels:
See the detailed metadata for level information.
Data Types:
Spatial Coverage:
Longitude Range: Westernmost=161.396W Easternmost=49.396E
Latitude Range: Southernmost=11.117S Northernmost=60.495N Detailed coverage information
Data Contributors:
Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology, National Center for Atmospheric Research, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Done, J. M., G. J. Holland, C. L. Bruyère, L. R. Leung, and A. Suzuki-Parker, 2015: Modeling high-impact weather and climate: lessons from a tropical cyclone perspective. Clim. Change, 129, 381-395 (DOI: 10.5065/D61834FM).
Bruyère, C. L., J. M. Done, G. J. Holland, and S. Fredrick, 2014: Bias corrections of global models for regional climate simulations of high-impact weather. Clim. Dyn., 43, 1847-1856 (DOI: 10.5065/D61834FM).
Done, J. M., G. J. Holland, C. L. Bruyère, L. R. Leung, and A. Suzuki-Parker, 2012: Modeling high-impact weather and climate: Lessons from a tropical cyclone perspective. NCAR/TN-490+STR, NCAR, 28 pp. (DOI: 10.5065/D61834FM)
Total Volume:
2.14 TB (Entire dataset) Volume details by dataset product
Data Formats:
More Details:
View a more detailed summary of the data, including specific date ranges and locations by parameter
Metadata Record:
Data License:
Citation counts are compiled through information provided by publicly-accessible APIs according to the guidelines developed through the project. If journals do not provide citation information to these publicly-accessible services, then this citation information will not be included in RDA citation counts. Additionally citations that include dataset DOIs are the only types included in these counts, so legacy citations without DOIs, references found in publication acknowledgements, or references to a related publication that describes a dataset will not be included in these counts.