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Daily Meteorological Data for U.S. Cooperative Stations from NCDC TD3200

| DOI: 10.5065/B6MM-RS76

The summaries of daily land surface observations in this data set are primarily from stations in the National Weather Service (NWS) cooperative station network, but also include NWS principal (first order) climatological stations, and stations supported by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), National Park Service (NPS), Bureau of Land Management (BLM), U.S. Forest Service (USFC), U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), and Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), along with a handful of stations at Air Force and Navy bases. The sites are located in the contiguous U.S., Alaska, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Hawaii and other Pacific Islands.

The major parameters are daily weather, precipitation, snowfall, snow depth, maximum temperature, minimum temperature, and observation temperature. The earliest data is for 1854, but most stations begin in 1948. Periods of record vary widely among the stations.

Temporal Range:
1854-01-01 to 2011-08-31 (Entire dataset) Period details by dataset product
Air Temperature Cloud Frequency Cooling Degree Days Dew Point Temperature
Evaporation Humidity Maximum/Minimum Temperature Precipitation Amount
Sea Level Pressure Snow Snow Depth Snow Water Equivalent
Soil Temperature Sunshine Surface Pressure Surface Winds
Data Types:
Platform Observation
Data Contributors:
National Climatic Data Center, NESDIS, NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce
National Weather Service, NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce
Federal Aviation Agency, U.S. Department of Transportation
Total Volume:
33.03 GB (Entire dataset) Volume details by dataset product
Data Formats:
Related RDA Datasets:
NCDC TD3210 U.S. First Order Summary of Day
NCDC TD3220 U.S. Cooperative Summary of Month
Metadata Record:
Data License:
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