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CAM6 Data Assimilation Research Testbed (DART) Reanalysis: Cloud-Optimized Dataset


This is a cloud-hosted subset of the CAM6 DART (Community Atmosphere Model version 6 Data Assimilation Research Testbed) Reanalysis dataset. These data products are designed to facilitate a broad variety of research using the NCAR CESM 2.1 (National Center for Atmospheric Research Community Earth System Model version 2.1), including model evaluation, ensemble hindcasting, data assimilation experiments, and sensitivity studies. They come from an 80 member ensemble reanalysis of the global troposphere and stratosphere using DART and CAM6. The data products represent states of the atmosphere consistent with observations from 2011 through 2019 at 1 degree horizontal resolution and weekly frequency. Each ensemble member is an equally likely description of the atmosphere, and is also consistent with dynamics and physics of CAM6. The dataset also contains corresponding land surface values at 6-hourly frequency. This dataset is a reformatting, with no change to numerical values, of data from the CAM6 Data Assimilation Research Testbed (DART) Reanalysis dataset.

Temporal Range:
2011-01-03 00:00 +0000 to 2019-12-31 18:00 +0000
Air Temperature Latent Heat Flux Specific Humidity Surface Pressure
U/V Wind Components
Data Types:
Data Contributors:
Data Assimilation Research Section, Computational & Information Systems, National Center for Atmospheric Research, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Information Systems Division, Computational and Information Systems Laboratory, National Center for Atmospheric Research, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Total Volume:
2.79 TB (Entire dataset) Volume details by dataset product
Data Formats:
Metadata Record:
Data License:
Citation counts are compiled through information provided by publicly-accessible APIs according to the guidelines developed through the project. If journals do not provide citation information to these publicly-accessible services, then this citation information will not be included in RDA citation counts. Additionally citations that include dataset DOIs are the only types included in these counts, so legacy citations without DOIs, references found in publication acknowledgements, or references to a related publication that describes a dataset will not be included in these counts.