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The High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset - HUMID

| DOI: 10.5065/JF2T-6F61
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Union of Available Products
CONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 1981
CONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 1982
CONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 1983
CONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 1984
CONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 1985
CONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 1986
CONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 1987
CONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 1988
CONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 1989
CONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 1990
CONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 1991
CONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 1992
CONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 1993
CONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 1994
CONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 1995
CONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 1996
CONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 1997
CONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 1998
CONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 1999
CONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 2000
CONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 2002
CONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 2003
CONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 2004
CONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 2005
CONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 2006
CONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 2007
CONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 2008
CONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 2009
CONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 2010
CONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 2011
CONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 2012
CONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 2013
CONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 2014
CONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 2015
CONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 2016
CONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 2017
CONUS High-resolution Urban Meteorology for Impacts Dataset, HUMID from 1981-2018, 2018
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