NCEP GFS 0.25 Degree Global Forecast Grids Historical Archive
| DOI: 10.5065/D65D8PWK
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This dataset has been cited 170 times. See a list of published works that have cited this dataset Published works that have cited this dataset:
Abad-Santjago, Á., C. Peláez-Rodríguez, J. Pérez-Aracil, J. Sanz-Justo, C. Casanova-Mateo, and S. Salcedo-Sanz, 2025: Hybridizing Machine Learning Algorithms With Numerical Models for Accurate Wind Power Forecasting. Expert Systems, 42,
Feng, C., and Z. Pu, 2025: All-Sky Assimilation of GOES-16 Water Vapor Channels in Consideration of Cloud-Dependent Interchannel Observation-Error Correlations. Monthly Weather Review, 153, 23-47,
Harris, S. J., S. Schwietzke, J. L. France, N. Velandia Salinas, T. Meixus Fernandez, C. Randles, L. Guanter, I. Irakulis-Loitxate, A. Calcan, I. Aben, K. Abrahamsson, P. Balcombe, A. Berchet, L. C. Biddle, H. C. Bittig, C. Böttcher, T. Bouvard, G. Broström, V. Bruch, M. Cassiani, M. P. Chipperfield, P. Ciais, E. Damm, E. Dammers, H. Denier van der Gon, M. Dogniaux, E. Dowd, F. Dupouy, S. Eckhardt, N. Evangeliou, W. Feng, M. Jia, F. Jiang, A. K. Kaiser-Weiss, I. Kamoun, B. J. Kerridge, A. Lampert, J. Lana, F. Li, J. D. Maasakkers, J. W. Maclean, B. Mamtimin, J. Marshall, G. Mauger, A. Mekkas, C. Mielke, M. Mohrmann, D. P. Moore, R. Nanni, F. Pätzold, I. Pison, I. Pisso, S. M. Platt, R. Préa, B. Y. Queste, M. Ramonet, G. Rehder, J. J. Remedios, F. Reum, A. Roiger, N. Schmidbauer, R. Siddans, A. Sunkisala, R. L. Thompson, D. J. Varon, L. J. Ventress, C. Wilson, and Y. Zhang, 2025: Methane emissions from the Nord Stream subsea pipeline leaks. Nature,
Ivanova, T., S. Porchetta, S. Buckingham, G. Glabeke, J. van Beeck, and W. Munters, 2025: Improving wind and power predictions via four-dimensional data assimilation in the WRF model: case study of storms in February 2022 at Belgian offshore wind farms. Wind Energy Science, 10(1), 245-268,
Lombardi, M., D. Sladek, F. Simone, and R. Patriarca, 2025: No more flying blind: Leveraging weather forecasting for clear-cut risk-based decisions. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 30, 101349,
Vallet, L., C. Abdallah, T. Lauvaux, L. Joly, M. Ramonet, P. Ciais, M. Lopez, I. Xueref-Remy, and F. Mouillot, 2025: Soil smoldering in temperate forests: a neglected contributor to fire carbon emissions revealed by atmospheric mixing ratios. Biogeosciences, 22, 213-242,
Bello-Millan, F. J., J. Palacios, P. Gutierrez -Castillo, and L. Parras, 2024: Simulations of a tornadic supercell event in the south of Spain: Sensitivity to initial and boundary conditions and microphysics parameterizations. Atmospheric Research, 300,
Buzin, I. V., I. V. Klyachkin, S. V. Frolov, S. G. Klyachkin, S. V. Mikhaltceva, S. V. Sokolova, Y. P. Gudoshnikov, K. N. Smirnov, M. N. Grigoryev, S. Mikhaltceva, Y. Sokolova, Y. Gudoshnikov, G. Voinov, and M. Grigoryev, 2024: SOME ESTIMATES OF THE SEVERE ICE CONDITIONS IN THE PECHORA SEA BASED ON OBSERVATIONAL AND MODELING DATA (SIMULATION AND ANALYSIS). Arktika: Ekologia i Ekonomika, 14, 24-35,
Casallas, A., A. Cabrera, M. Guevara-Luna, A. Tompkins, Y. Gonzalez, J. Aranda, L. C. Belalcazar, C. Mogollon-Sotelo, N. Celis, E. Lopez-Barrera, C. A. Pena-Rincon, and C. Ferro, 2024: Air pollution analysis in Northwestern South America: A new Lagrangian framework. Science of the Total Environment, 906,
Cheng, C., T. Fuller-Rowell, E. K. Sutton, T. Fang, J. Liu, and D. R. Weimer, 2024: Thermospheric Neutral Density Data Assimilation System Based on the Whole Atmosphere Model During the November 2003 Storm. Space Weather, 22,
Dato, J. F., M. G. Dinápoli, E. E. D'Onofrio, and C. G. Simionato, 2024: On water level forecasting using artificial neural networks: the case of the Río de la Plata Estuary, Argentina. Natural Hazards, 120(11), 9753-9776,
Dehvari, M., S. Farzaneh, and E. Forootan, 2024: Ensemble Based Estimation of Wet Refractivity Indices Using a Functional Model Approach. Earth and Space Science, 11(10),
Do, Y., K. S. Lim, K. Kim, H. H. Shin, E. Chang, and G. Lee, 2024: Impact of Model Resolution and Initial/Boundary Conditions in Forecasting Low-Level Atmospheric Fields over the Incheon International Airport. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 63, 893-907,
Fu, S., W. Huang, J. Luo, D. Liu, D. Sun, H. Fu, Y. Luo, and B. Wang, 2024: Deep Learning Improves GFS Sea Surface Wind Field Forecast Accuracy in the Northwest Pacific Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 129(13),
Guillermo-Montiel, J. C., B. Martínez-López, C. A. Ochoa-Moya, I. A. Quintanar, and W. D. Cabos-Narváez, 2024: Why did numerical weather forecasting systems fail topredict the Hurricane Otis's development?. Atmosfera, 38, 829-862,
Ha, S., and J. Sun, 2024: Impact of Soil Moisture Updates on Temperature Forecasting. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(15),
Hachimi, C. E., S. Belaqziz, S. Khabba, B. A. Hssaine, M. H. Kharrou, and A. Chehbouni, 2024: Advancements in weather forecasting for precision agriculture: From statistical modeling to transformer-based architectures. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 38, 3695-3717,
Han, Z., T. Guan, X. Wang, X. Xin, X. Song, Y. Wang, C. Dong, P. Ren, Z. Chen, S. Ren, Q. Zhang, and Q. Wang, 2024: Development of a data-driven three-dimensional PM2.5 forecast model based on machine learning algorithms. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 37, 103930,
Jung, B., B. Ménétrier, C. Snyder, Z. Liu, J. J. Guerrette, J. Ban, I. H. Baños, Y. G. Yu, and W. C. Skamarock, 2024: Three-dimensional variational assimilation with a multivariate background error covariance for the Model for Prediction Across Scales - Atmosphere with the Joint Effort for Data assimilation Integration (JEDI-MPAS 2.0.0-beta). Geoscientific Model Development, 17(9), 3879-3895,
Karrevula, N. R., A. Boyaj, P. Sinha, R. Nadimpalli, U. C. Mohanty, S. Islam, A. Kaginalkar, and V. Vinoj, 2024: Role of planetary boundary layer physics in urban-scale WRF model for predicting the heat waves over tropical city Bhubaneswar. Journal of Earth System Science, 133,
Khan, A., P. Anand, S. Garshasbi, R. Khatun, S. Khorat, R. Hamdi, D. Niyogi, and M. Santamouris, 2024: Rooftop photovoltaic solar panels warm up and cool down cities. Nature Cities,
Khatun, R., D. Das, S. Khorat, S. M. Aziz, P. Anand, M. Mohan, A. Khan, D. Niyogi, and M. Santamourish, 2024: Urban scale rooftop super cool broadband radiative coolers in humid conditions. Building Simulation, 17(9), 1629-1651,
Khondaker, M. M., and M. Momen, 2024: Improving Hurricane Intensity and Streamflow Forecasts in Coupled Hydrometeorological Simulations by Analyzing Precipitation and Boundary Layer Schemes. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 25(8), 1237-1258,
Khorat, S., D. Das, R. Khatun, S. M. Aziz, P. Anand, A. Khan, M. Santamouris, and D. Niyogi, 2024: Cool roof strategies for urban thermal resilience to extreme heatwaves in tropical cities. Energy and Buildings, 302,
Kim, D., and H. M. Kim, 2024: Design of buoy observation network over the Arctic Ocean. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 218,
Krause, M., A. Thrasher, P. Soni, L. Smego, R. Isaac, J. Nolan, M. Pledger, E. G. Lightsey, W. J. Ready, and J. Christian, 2024: LONEStar: The Lunar Flashlight Optical Navigation Experiment. Journal of the Astronautical Sciences, 71(4),
Li, H., G. A. Grell, R. Ahmadov, L. Zhang, S. Sun, J. Schnell, and N. Wang, 2024: A simple and realistic aerosol emission approach for use in the Thompson-Eidhammer microphysics scheme in the NOAA UFS Weather Model (version GSL global-24Feb2022). Geoscientific Model Development, 17(2), 607-619,
Li, H., Y. Yang, J. Sun, Y. Jiang, R. Gan, and Q. Xie, 2024: A 3D-Var assimilation scheme for vertical velocity with CMA-MESO v5.0. Geoscientific Model Development, 17(15), 5883-5896,
Liu, H., Z. Tan, Y. Wang, J. Tang, M. Satoh, L. Lei, J. Gu, Y. Zhang, G. Nie, and Q. Chen, 2024: A Hybrid Machine Learning/Physics-Based Modeling Framework for 2-Week Extended Prediction of Tropical Cyclones. Journal of Geophysical Research: Machine Learning and Computation, 1(3),
Liu, Y., Q. Bao, B. He, X. Wu, J. Yang, Y. Liu, G. Wu, T. Zhu, S. Zhou, Y. Tang, A. Qu, Y. Fan, A. Liu, D. Chen, Z. Luo, X. Hu, and T. Wu, 2024: Dynamical Madden–Julian Oscillation forecasts using an ensemble subseasonal-to-seasonal forecast system of the IAP-CAS model. Geoscientific Model Development, 17(16), 6249-6275,
Maddah, M. A., and S. Mostamandi, 2024: WRF prediction of an atmospheric river-related precipitation event: Sensitivity to cumulus parameterization schemes. Meteorological Applications, 31(1),
Muttaqin, R. M., and A. Nugrahany, 2024: Development of an Integrated Observation Data and Global Numerical Weather Prediction System-Based Rainfall-Runoff Forecasting Model as PJT-I's Effort in Water Resources Disaster Mitigation. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Institute of Physics,
Niu, Z., and X. Zou, 2024: Improving All-Sky Simulations of Typhoon Cloud/Rain Band Structures of NOAA-20 CrIS Window Channel Observations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 129(12),
Parasyris, A., V. Metheniti, G. Alexandrakis, G. V. Kozyrakis, and N. A. Kampanis, 2024: Data Assimilated Atmospheric Forecasts for Digital Twin of the Ocean Applications: A Case Study in the South Aegean, Greece. Algorithms, 17(12), 586,
Pardini, F., S. Barsotti, C. Bonadonna, M. de' Michieli Vitturi, A. Folch, L. Mastin, S. Osores, and A. T. Prata, 2024: Dynamics, Monitoring, and Forecasting of Tephra in the Atmosphere. Reviews of Geophysics, 62(4),
Patil, A., and K. Kulkarni, 2024: A Hybrid Machine Learning - Numerical Weather Prediction Approach for Day Ahead Solar Irradiance Prediction. 2024 IEEE 4th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation, SEFET 2024, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.,
Pokhrel, P., M. Abdelguerfi, and E. Ioup, 2024: A machine-learning and data assimilation forecasting framework for surface waves. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 150(759), 958-975,
Qin, L., Y. Chen, D. Meng, X. Cheng, and P. Zhang, 2024: Variational All-Sky Assimilation Framework for MWHS-II With Hydrometeors Control Variables and Its Impacts on Analysis and Forecast of Typhoon Cases. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 16(10),
Qu, H., L. Dong, X. Ma, C. Xiang, and Y. Huang, 2024: Forecast Model of Northwest Pacific Typhoon Rapid Intensification Based on XGBoost. Meteorological Monthly, 50, 1531-1541,
Robey, R., and J. K. Lundquist, 2024: Influences of lidar scanning parameters on wind turbine wake retrievals in complex terrain. Wind Energy Science, 9(10), 1905-1922,
Salimi, A., A. Noori, I. Ebtehaj, T. Ghobrial, and H. Bonakdari, 2024: Advancing Spatial Drought Forecasts by Integrating an Improved Outlier Robust Extreme Learning Machine with Gridded Data: A Case Study of the Lower Mainland Basin, British Columbia, Canada. Sustainability, 16(8),
Sun, L., Y. Lan, X. Sun, X. Liang, J. Wang, Y. Su, Y. He, and D. Xia, 2024: Deterministic Forecasting and Probabilistic Post-Processing of Short-Term Wind Speed Using Statistical Methods. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 129(7),
Thaker, J., R. Hoeller, and M. Kapasi, 2024: Short-Term Solar Irradiance Prediction with a Hybrid Ensemble Model Using EUMETSAT Satellite Images. Energies, 17(2),
Wang, H., D. Zhao, H. Xu, Q. Wang, J. Liang, and T. Yen, 2024: The Role of WISHE in the Rapid Intensification of Super Typhoon Hinnamnor (2022). Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 130(1),
Windell, L. C., P. Pokorná, J. Schwarz, P. Vodička, P. K. Hopke, N. Zíková, R. Lhotka, J. Ondráček, P. Roztočil, M. Vojtišek, and V. Ždímal, 2024: Highly Time-Resolved Elemental Source Apportionment at a Prague Urban Traffic Site. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 24(8),
Xu, D., X. Zhang, J. Min, and F. Shen, 2024: Impacts of Assimilating All-Sky FY-4A AGRI Satellite Infrared Radiances on the Prediction of Super Typhoon In-Fa During the Period With Abnormal Changes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 129(11),
Yuan, S., S. Zhu, X. Luo, and B. Mu, 2024: A deep learning-based bias correction model for Arctic sea ice concentration towards MITgcm. Ocean Modelling, 188,
Zhang, X., D. Xu, F. Shen, and J. Min, 2024: Impacts of Offline Nonlinear Bias Correction Schemes Using the Machine Learning Technology on the All-Sky Assimilation of Cloud-Affected Infrared Radiances. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 16,
Zhuang, Q., M. Koukoula, S. Liu, Z. Zhou, L. Gao, and N. Peleg, 2024: Contradictory influences of urbanization on intense convective rainfall in a subtropical city. Environmental Research Letters, 19(10), 104020,
da Fonseca Aguiar, L., M. da Fonseca Aguiar, M. Cataldi, E. Cataldi, E. M. Ribeiro, P. da Cunha Luz, E. M. Ribeiro, and P. da Cunha Luz, 2024: Evaluation of the SACZ index as a prognostic tool based on GFS forecasts. Atmosfera, 38, 91-104,
Adedeji, A. R., S. J. Andrews, M. J. Rowlinson, M. J. Evans, A. C. Lewis, S. Hashimoto, H. Mukai, H. Tanimoto, Y. Tohjima, and T. Saito, 2023: Measurement report: Assessment of Asian emissions of ethane and propane with a chemistry transport model based on observations from the island of Hateruma. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 23(16), 9229-9244,
Altun, A. T., Y. Xu, G. Inalhan, and M. W. Hardt, 2023: Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Utilization for Contingency Management of Future AAM System. AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition, AIAA AVIATION Forum 2023, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc, AIAA,
Barreto, F. T., F. E. Curbani, G. M. Zielinsky, M. B. da Silva, K. C. Lacerda, and D. F. Rodrigues, 2023: Development of a multigrid operational forecast system for the oceanic region off Rio de Janeiro State. Ocean Modelling, 184,
Bart, A. A., S. A. Ekaterina, Y. V. Semyon, and I. N. Alexander, 2023: Assessment of the relationship between adverse weather conditions, "Black Sky" regime, and COVID-19 morbidity in Tomsk in 2022. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, SPIE,
Bean, R., 2023: Forecasting the Monash Microgrid for the IEEE-CIS Technical Challenge. Energies, 16(3),
Bi, M., and X. Zou, 2023: Comparison of Cloud/Rain Band Structures of Typhoon Muifa (2022) Revealed in FY-3E MWHS-2 Observations With All-Sky Simulations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128(23),
Borges, D. M., H. L. Varona, M. F. Alonso, M. Araujo, and F. Hernandez, 2023: Investigating an extreme meteo-oceanographic event in the southern Brazil from in situ observations and modeling results. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 65,
Cai, S., A. Huang, K. Zhu, W. Guo, Y. Wu, and C. Gu, 2023: The Forecast Skill of the Summer Precipitation Over Tibetan Plateau Improved by the Adoption of a 3D Sub-Grid Terrain Solar Radiative Effect Scheme in a Convection-Permitting Model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128(11),
Chakraborty, T., S. Pattnaik, and S. Joseph, 2023: Influence of tropical cyclone Jawad on the surface and sub-surface circulation in the Bay of Bengal: ocean-atmosphere feedback. Ocean Dynamics, 73(10), 619-637,
Cherubini, T., P. Antonelli, S. Businger, and P. Scaccia, 2023: Assimilation of Transformed Retrievals From Satellite High-Resolution Infrared Data Over the Central Pacific Area. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128(21),
Colle, B. A., P. Yeh, J. A. Finlon, L. Mcmurdie, V. McDonald, and A. DeLafrance, 2023: An Investigation of a Northeast U.S. Cyclone Event without Well-Defined Snow Banding during IMPACTS. Monthly Weather Review, 151(9), 2465-2484,
Dai, S., X. Chen, J. Liang, X. Li, S. Li, G. Chen, Z. Chen, J. Bin, Y. Tang, and X. Li, 2023: Response of PM2.5 pollution to meteorological and anthropogenic emissions changes during COVID-19 lockdown in Hunan Province based on WRF-Chem model. Environmental Pollution, 331,
Feng, C., and Z. Pu, 2023: The impacts of assimilating Aeolus horizontal line-of-sight winds on numerical predictions of Hurricane Ida (2021) and a mesoscale convective system over the Atlantic Ocean. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 16(10), 2691-2708,
Fujiwara, K., and R. Kawamura, 2023: Intensification of a distant hurricane by warm-core eddies in the Gulf Stream in boreal fall. Atmospheric Science Letters, 24(3),
Guerrette, J. J., Z. Liu, C. Snyder, B. Jung, C. S. Schwartz, J. Ban, S. Vahl, Y. Wu, I. H. Baños, Y. G. Yu, S. Ha, Y. Trémolet, T. Auligné, C. Gas, B. Ménétrier, A. Shlyaeva, M. Miesch, S. Herbener, E. Liu, D. Holdaway, and B. T. Johnson, 2023: Data assimilation for the Model for Prediction Across Scales - Atmosphere with the Joint Effort for Data assimilation Integration (JEDI-MPAS 2.0.0-beta): ensemble of 3D ensemble-variational (En-3DEnVar) assimilations. Geoscientific Model Development, 16(23), 7123-7142,
Gunnarsson, A., S. M. Gardarsson, and F. Pálsson, 2023: Modeling of surface energy balance for Icelandic glaciers using remote-sensing albedo. Cryosphere, 17(9), 3955-3986,
Honda, T., 2023: Development of a Polar Mesocyclone and Associated Environmental Characteristics During the Heavy Snowfall Event in Sapporo, Japan, in Early February 2022. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128(12),
Keramea, P., N. Kokkos, G. Zodiatis, and G. Sylaios, 2023: Modes of Operation and Forcing in Oil Spill Modeling: State-of-Art, Deficiencies and Challenges. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 11(6), 1165,
Khan, A., S. Khorat, Q. Doan, R. Khatun, D. Das, R. Hamdi, L. Carlosena, M. Santamouris, M. Georgescu, and D. Niyogi, 2023: Exploring the Meteorological Impacts of Surface and Rooftop Heat Mitigation Strategies Over a Tropical City. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128(8),
Lassman, W., J. D. Mirocha, R. S. Arthur, A. K. Kochanski, A. Farguell Caus, A. M. Bagley, M. Carreras Sospedra, D. Dabdub, and M. Barbato, 2023: Using Satellite-Derived Fire Arrival Times for Coupled Wildfire-Air Quality Simulations at Regional Scales of the 2020 California Wildfire Season. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128(6),
Li, M., J. A. Zhang, L. Matak, and M. Momen, 2023: The Impacts of Adjusting Momentum Roughness Length on Strong and Weak Hurricane Forecasts: A Comprehensive Analysis of Weather Simulations and Observations. Monthly Weather Review, 151(5), 1287-1302,
Liu, H., M. Satoh, J. Gu, L. Lei, J. Tang, Z. Tan, Y. Wang, and J. Xu, 2023: Predictability of the Most Long-Lived Tropical Cyclone Freddy (2023) During Its Westward Journey Through the Southern Tropical Indian Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters, 50(20),
Lu, C., Y. Zheng, Z. Wu, Y. Zhang, Q. Wang, Z. Wang, Y. Liu, and Y. Zhong, 2023: TropNet: a deep spatiotemporal neural network for tropospheric delay modeling and forecasting. Journal of Geodesy, 97(4),
Lupo, K. M., C. S. Schwartz, and G. S. Romine, 2023: Displacement Error Characteristics of 500-hPa Cutoff Lows in Operational GFS Forecasts. Weather and Forecasting, 38(10), 1849-1871,
Maynard, I., and A. Abdulla, 2023: Assessing benefits and costs of expanded green hydrogen production to facilitate fossil fuel exit in a net-zero transition. Renewable Energy Focus, 44, 85-97,
Nabavi, S. O., T. Christoudias, Y. Proestos, C. Fountoukis, H. Al-Sulaiti, and J. Lelieveld, 2023: Spatiotemporal variation of radionuclide dispersion from nuclear power plant accidents using FLEXPART mini-ensemble modeling. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 23(13), 7719-7739,
Olascoaga, M. J., and F. J. Beron-Vera, 2023: Exploring the use of Transition Path Theory in building an oil spill prediction scheme. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9,
Onel, H. C., and I. H. Tuncer, 2023: Short-Term Numerical Forecasting of Near-Ground Wind Fields Using OpenFOAM Coupled With WRF. AIAA SciTech Forum and Exposition, 2023, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc, AIAA,
Pérez-Carrasquilla, J. S., P. A. Montoya, J. M. Sánchez, K. S. Hernández, and M. Ramírez, 2023: Forecasting 24ĝ€¯h averaged PM2.5 concentration in the Aburrá Valley using tree-based machine learning models, global forecasts, and satellite information. Advances in Statistical Climatology, Meteorology and Oceanography, 9, 121-135,
Patil, A. A., and K. Kulkarni, 2023: A Hybrid Machine Learning - Numerical Weather Prediction Approach for Rainfall Prediction. 2023 IEEE India Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, InGARSS 2023, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.,
Preto, I., A. Couto, R. Faria, H. Algarvio, T. Santos, and A. Estanqueiro, 2023: Optimizing Wind Power Forecasting in Day-Ahead Markets: the best Meteorological Parameters for Maximum Energy Value. IET Conference Proceedings, 2023, 95-102,
San Jose, R., and J. L. Perez-Camanyo, 2023: High-resolution impacts of green areas on air quality in Madrid. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, 16(1), 37-48,
Silveira de Souza, N. G., J. Lugon Jr., E. N. Yamasaki, I. Kyriakides, and A. J. Neto, 2023: AN ASSESSMENT OF RELATIVE POTENTIAL IMPACTS TO CYPRUS’ SHORELINE DUE TO OIL SPILLS IN THE EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN SEA. Journal of Integrated Coastal Zone Management, 23, 29-42,
Tsoumas, I., G. Giannarakis, V. Sitokonstantinou, A. Koukos, D. Loka, N. Bartsotas, C. Kontoes, and I. Athanasiadis, 2023: Evaluating Digital Agriculture Recommendations with Causal Inference. Proceedings of the 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2023, AAAI Press, 14514-14522,
Uttamang, P., R. Janta, S. H. Bran, R. Macatangay, V. Surapipith, W. Tala, and S. Chantara, 2023: Effects of biogenic volatile organic compounds and anthropogenic NOx emissions on O3 and PM2.5 formation over the northern region of Thailand. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 11,
Varona, H. L., T. A. Capuano, C. Noriega, J. Araujo, M. Araujo, and F. Hernandez, 2023: DSCompare: Unleashing the potential of ocean and atmospheric data with a comparative analysis software. Software Impacts, 18,
Wu, K., P. I. Palmer, D. Wu, D. Jouglet, L. Feng, and T. Oda, 2023: Theoretical assessment of the ability of the MicroCarb satellite city-scan observing mode to estimate urban CO2 emissions. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 16(2), 581-602,
Xu, X., J. J. Voermans, W. Zhang, B. Zhao, F. Qiao, Q. liu, I. Moon, I. Janekovic, T. Waseda, and A. V. Babanin, 2023: Tropical Cyclone Modeling With the Inclusion of Wave-Coupled Processes: Sea Spray and Wave Turbulence. Geophysical Research Letters, 50(24),
Yang, L., W. Duan, and Z. Wang, 2023: An approach to refining the ground meteorological observation stations for improving PM2.5 forecasts in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. Geoscientific Model Development, 16(13), 3827-3848,
Zhou, Y., Y. Liu, and W. Han, 2023: Demonstrating the Potential Impacts of Assimilating FY-4A Visible Radiances on Forecasts of Cloud and Precipitation with a Localized Particle Filter. Monthly Weather Review, 151(5), 1167-1188,
Alerskans, E., J. Nyborg, M. Birk, and E. Kaas, 2022: A transformer neural network for predicting near-surface temperature. Meteorological Applications, 29,
Arrieta-Prieto, M., and K. R. Schell, 2022: Spatio-temporal probabilistic forecasting of wind power for multiple farms: A copula-based hybrid model. International Journal of Forecasting, 38(1), 300-320,
Bart, A. A., T. B. Zhuravleva, T. K. Sklyadneva, and M. Y. Arshinov, 2022: Simulation of downward solar radiation and profiles of meteorological parameters using model complex WRF-Solar under summer conditions in Tomsk. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, SPIE,
Buzin, I., I. Buzin, S. Klyachkin, S. Klyachkin, K. Smirnov, S. Mikhaltceva, Y. Sokolova, Y. Gudoshnikov, G. Voinov, M. Mikhaltceva, Y. Sokolova, Y. Gudoshnikov, G. Voinov, and M. Grigoryev, 2022: COMPRESSION OF THE ICE COVER IN THE PECHORA SEA: A NATURAL PHENOMENON AND ITS IMPACT ON MARINE OPERATIONS. Arktika: Ekologia i Ekonomika, 12, 500-512,
Davis, S., L. Pentakota, N. Saptarishy, and P. P. Mujumdar, 2022: A Flood Forecasting Framework Coupling a High Resolution WRF Ensemble With an Urban Hydrologic Model. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10,
Diaz-Fernandez, J., P. Bolgiani, D. Santos-Muñoz, L. Quitian-Hernandez, M. Sastre, F. Valero, J. Farran, J. J. Gonzalez-Aleman, and M. L. Martin, 2022: Comparison of the WRF and HARMONIE models ability for mountain wave warnings. Atmospheric Research, 265,
Gebremichael, M., H. Yue, V. Nourani, and R. Damoah, 2022: The Skills of Medium-Range Precipitation Forecasts in the Senegal River Basin. Sustainability, 14(6), 3349,
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