NCAR data experts seek input at AGU fall meeting for summer 2018 workshop on digital data repository service

Dec. 8, 2017
Posted by: Doug Schuster
NCAR data management experts will engage the community in a poster session on December 11 at the AGU 2017 Fall Meeting to help shape a 2018 National Science Foundation workshop focused on developing requirements and expectations for a prospective new digital repository service.
The envisioned Geoscience Digital Data Resource and Repository Service (GeoDaRRS) would complement existing NSF-funded data facilities by providing data management planning support resources for the general community and repository services for researchers who have data that do not fit in any existing repository. GeoDaRRS would support NSF-funded researchers in meeting data archiving requirements set by the NSF and publishers for geosciences, thereby ensuring the availability of digital data for use and reuse in scientific research going forward.
See this abstract on the AGU Fall Meeting site for more information.
For additional information on the workshop, please see the workshop website.