GRIB Practical Exercise 1: Data Discovery
July 14, 2015
Posted by:
RDA Team
Scroll to the bottom of and follow the links to GRIB documentation. |
The links to the WMO standards documentation can be intimidating for the neophyte user. Worry not; you need not understand all the details to get started. The documentation will make more sense after you take a few GRIB datasets out for a spin.
First, take a moment to explore the NCAR RDA GRIB holdings by using our faceted search tool, which you can invoke through the 'Find Data' tab. That produces a drop down menu. Select 'All Datasets'.
Click on the 'Find Data' tab and select 'All Datasets' to perform a faceted search. |
Narrow down the search by 'Data Format' and scroll to the bottom to find WMO GRIB0, GRIB1, and GRIB2. |
Next, we will take a sample GRIB2 dataset out for a test spin using a simple Graphical User Interface (GUI). After that, we will set up wgrib/wgrib2, powerful command line tools that can process data in a faster and more automated fashion.